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Habits and Small Adventures

This weekend, I went to a small, quirky local museum that I’ve heard about many times but have never checked out for myself. It was hard to figure out where to park and what entrance to use. Were we supposed to sign up for the guided tour? Questions abounded, but it was fun and engaging, and it was different.

One of my goals for the year is to actually do new things, to take the small adventures, to say yes. In January, I accepted a karaoke invitation. I had a great time. I didn’t sing. 

No need to set the bar too high.  

This weekend, I went to a small, quirky local museum that I’ve heard about many times but have never checked out for myself. It was hard to figure out where to park and what entrance to use. Were we supposed to sign up for the guided tour? Questions abounded, but it was fun and engaging, and it was different.

All too often, I find myself doing the same things. Going somewhere familiar so much easier: no wrong turns, no questions about where things are to be found or about what the experience will be will be like. 

Think of how much time is wasted at an unfamiliar grocery store trying to find a familiar product. Sure, there’s an app for that, but I don't need an app if I’m at my usual store. Following a habit saves time and energy. That can be very, very good. It can even be essential.

What I tend to do, though, is find myself falling into habits when I don’t need to, when I should be exploring. This year, I’m trying to trick myself. I’m trying to harness the power of habits, the time and energy-saving potential, in the service of a paradoxical new habit of breaking out of habits and just doing the new things that come up as possibilities but that I would typically not actually do. 

This weekend’s particular adventure won’t become a regular event, but I’m hopeful that doing new things will.

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