Reflect Neely McLaughlin Reflect Neely McLaughlin

I Don’t Have a Personal Brand

I think the reason that I have too many blog ideas is that my personal brand is far from developed.

I think the reason that I have too many blog ideas is that my personal brand is far from developed. 

Here is my current top five list of reasons that my personal brand is not a thing:

1. The very idea of developing a personal brand seems odd (I realize I’m dating myself here).

2. I have a traditional career of a sort that doesn’t necessarily involve or integrate with the personal brand concept. The aforesaid career takes all of my creative energy. 

3. I have young kids. The aforesaid kids take all of my creative energy. 

4. I fear more commitments, more restrictions on who I am and who I can be. Being a woman is confining enough. Being a mother is confining enough. Being an employee is confining enough. Being a household manager is confining enough. Being an adult, a wife, a teacher, a committee member on the infinite committees of the bureaucracy that is life is confining enough. Being a responsible person is The Worst. I don’t think being a self serving jerk would do the trick either, but if I decide to embrace that route, I’ll Tweet the journey.

5. I’m not a photographer. I’m pretty sure cultivating a personal brand requires professional photography. 

*My poor thumb typing (I’m composing on my phone) plus autocorrect has resulted in “confusing” and “condoning” rather than confining several times. The best result: “being a mother is confusing enough.” True. 

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